Monday 3 June 2019

More scandals

Märpel reported about the financial study and how it is based on false assumptions, but in the mean time another document was issued by the Staff Committee and then Märpel found a third document distributed in the canteen. It seems that the financial study is a huge hoax. One might wonder why...
Possibly the Council might not be impressed by the financial study. In any case, the members of the budget and finance committee were not impressed by the pharaonic building refurbishing projects and gave a negative opinion. Will that be enough?

In the mean time also published a document, this time about reporting. In a nutshell: staff is working harder than ever and getting the lowest performance ratings ever, with over 500 examiners being targeted for dismissal.
Performance ratings are somewhat linked to salary raises, bonuses and promotions (if your boss likes you) and staff may here as well prepare for a bad surprise. Promotions are normally announced in June. It is only a rumor, but Märpel heard that the rewards exercise may be delayed this year. Directors will not be nominated before the end of this year. Vice-President Steve Rowan apparently said that examiners were paid far too much and that he wanted their career to end before grade G12.