Wednesday 24 April 2019

Survey results.

As the readers of this blog already know, the results of the staff survey were published earlier this month and are far below average when compared to reference surveys.

Märpel would like to publish selected comments from staff as published in the review findings (page 29). To the question "What one change would make the biggest difference?", staff answered:

"Honesty and transparency from higher management concerning planning, goals and rewards, including admitting errors.."

"Echte Kommunikation zwischen dem Präsidenten und der Personalvertretung, und dass die Anliegen des Personals auch Ernst genommen werden. Keine Beteiligung an Entscheidungen nach dem Motto : ihr hattet die Möglichkeit euch zu äussern, aber ich mache dennoch was ich will."

"Reconnaître la fonction d'Examinateur comme véritable moteur de l'Office, en arrêtant de
nous imposer une pression / temps toujours plus grande, en ayant en même temps un discours de plus grande qualité."

"Reform the new career system to make the achievement of a pensionable reward fair - transparent - deterministic."

"Reduce targets pressure and clearly define minimum targets for getting a reward / step."

Apparently, President Campinos could not understand why the results of the study were so negative and why staff complained that they were not heard when he spent so much time having breakfast with them. Märpel remarks that listening needs actions to be effective. What about implementing the actions that the staff and the applicants request:

-lower objectives of all staff and thereby give more time to quality?

-show respect to staff by reintegrating the unduly dismissed union members?

-show respect to DG3 by reintegrating the unduly dismissed member and moving them back in the empty BT8 building?

-define a career system with a clear link between achievement and reward, and not the present system where, in 2018, staff exceeded all production targets to be rewarded with an unmatched number of "below" or "far below objectives"?

Unfortunately, the latest news do not show that management is listening. In the next article.