Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Closing shop.

As discussed in the last post, the EPO experiences difficulties in finding candidates. Recruitment is stopped.

The tipping point was last spring, when President Battistelli had a project to move all staff to 5-years contracts. That project shocked the staff, especially staff from Germany. They spread the news to their friends and relatives, far beyond the borders of the Office: in Munich, even the lay person on the street knows that there is a problem at the big building near the Isar. Märpel was actually surprised to hear that message from distant relatives, even her doctor!

The project was put on hold, but this will not be sufficient to undo the damage done to the reputation of the EPO as an employer. Nowadays, prospective employees know that work contracts with the Office can be changed any moment to their disadvantage.

Readers of this blog know that the opposite is not true: employment contracts are binding for staff, even years after they quit the job.

Who in their right mind would want to work under those conditions? Obviously, there is a problem but that situation can only be changed by solving the fundamental governance problem of the organisation: redrafting staff regulations, redesigning the appeal system, redefining the functions of the President.

None of this is on the agenda.

Instead, one of the first announcements of President Campinos was that the target for 2019 shall be lower than the one for 2018 (that announcement is not public but was told in several meetings). Why that surprising announcement when each preceding year saw the target increase by stunning numbers? The official announcement is that target per examiner still increases, but the EPO shall have less examiners. Recruitment is halted abd retirement shall not compensated.

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