Thursday 26 July 2018

A month and still nothing

It has been a month since AT-ILO judgements were published. Märpel had the curiosity to check whether Ion Brumme is listed in the EPO phone book and there is still no mention of his name. Märpel also checked whether Patrick Corcoran is listed: he has a room in The Hague, but still no phone number.

So it seems that the judgements are still not implemented.

1 comment:

Seeking job said...

Comments seen on

"Keine Arbeitnehmerrechte”
"Verfassungsrechte, Grundrechte, Zivil- und Strafgesetzt völlig außer Kraft.”

Only 25% would advise their friends to work here, etc...

It seems that the word is spreading amongst potential candidates that there is a problem...